Workplace Investigations

we have the investigative experience to conduct your workplace related investigations. Our team includes consultants who are accredited investigators in the area of workplace harassment, sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence

Experienced Consultants and Specialists

We are aware of the changing landscape in the workplace including the laws relating to occupational health and safety, harassment and discrimination. Today's employers are faced with increasing reports of workplace harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace.  Workplace legislation now imposes on employers a statutory obligation to conduct a full and transparent investigation. 

The Investigators Group team is comprised of licensed private investigators, former police detectives and police officers, licensed security professionals, human resources specialists and legal consultants and we have the investigative experience to conduct your workplace related investigations. Our team includes consultants who are accredited investigators in the area of workplace harassment, sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence. Our consultants have experience working with various government agencies in both Canada and the United States.

The Investigators Group team are highly respected and reputable.  We conduct each investigation with rigour and integrity. We ascertain the facts, focus on evidence and maintain impartiality. Our professionals are experienced in handling the complexity and sensitivities involved in workplace investigations which may involve multiple complaints involving harassment, violence, theft, fraud, or breach of company policies and code of conduct. 


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Statute Barred: When a Civil Workplace Bullying and Harassment Claim Overlaps with Workman's Compensation

Navigating Workplace Harassment & Workman’s Compensation: Toronto PI Insights


Discrimination in the Workplace: Understanding Permissible Instances

Workplace Discrimination Exceptions in Toronto | Expert Insights


Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work: Solving Employee Time Theft

Navigating Employee Time Theft in Remote Work | Toronto Investigations